My Story
Why did you decide to join Armed Women of America?
My husband and I run a construction company out of our home office. An incident one day led to the decision to keep guns in the house for security. I knew nothing about guns except the fact that my husband and sons hunted which I did not participate. So he took me for my first handgun and took me to an indoor range owned by my friend where he found a TWAW (at the time) flyer for my local chapter. Needing education in firearms I joined shortly thereafter. My friend also needed a female RSO and showed me what education was needed so I blindly took the courses with no idea what to expect. Fast forward 4+ years with the wealth of knowledge received thru now Armed Women of America, the NRA, USCCA and the RSO’s I work with I am an instructor both in pistol and rifle, starting my own firearms training and workshop business and a CHAPTER LEADER FOR AWA!
How has being a member changed your life?
I never expected to enjoy teaching others to be their own self-defenders and now specialize in training women with topics specific to us!
When you look at yourself & your AWA sisters, how would you define “Armed Women of America”, not the organization but the women who so boldly stand with you on the mission to be your own self-protector?
I love the enthusiasm my chapter ladies have in becoming their own self-protectors. They also love the classroom non-shooting workshops (which I did not expect). They have so many empowering stories of their past experiences and their “why’s” are so varying that it brings us all together to reach a common goal.