December is Volunteer Chapter Leader Appreciation Month!
You can show your appreciation year-round, but December is the month AWA has set aside as Volunteer Chapter Leader Appreciation Month. AWA Chapter Leaders are volunteers and donate their time, resources and heart to helping women in their communities learn the skills necessary to become self-protectors and just have a good time, socializing with others in a safe and welcoming environment. They attend trainings and study in order to keep up on the best information available in order to help members be better prepared.
What can you do?
- Send a thank you note, message, phone call or card
- Share with them how your life has been impacted by their training and encouragement
- Give a gift certificate/card
- Invite them to coffee/tea/lunch/dinner
- Invite them to a range date where they get to shoot
- Surprise them at a Chapter meeting with a group thank you
- Award a certificate of appreciation